@Cameltoga's timeline on Twitter
Grape Soduh or Abe Vigoda? "Baaaaaa! Humbug."
#thatswhatcheapsheepsaid -
Power went out briefly in the storm earlier, thus the war against my tolerance for blinking clocks is renewedRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
*hum* I'd like to teach the world to tweet, in perfect harmony. Where all that shared and all that cared, would love eternally. *ahhh*Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
TURTLE. Do you know what keeps the moon up? ME. Boy, you're stupid.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
A vision of such grotesque stature, nightmare beasts quiver and ghouls flail in fright. What do you mean, I didn't get the modelling job?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
nobody tells the moon to get a real jobRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
A whole empty parking lot, yet I've got people parked on either side of me. This is why I pour salad dressing on the conveyor belts.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
maybe learning to say "i like women" in klingon is the only way to surviveRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I can grasp the fringes of quantum physics but bill payment deadlines seem entirely relative to me and thus escape any urgent action.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If you wanna change the world you better bring enough wipes. That shit is caked on mighty thick.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Men, take note, if you're handsome you're "flirting with her", if you're not, you're "being a creep".Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
not even noon and i've pissed off another family member. they're dropping like freakin flies.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Some people draw strength from sacred places residing deep within each one of you. Keep your light shining to guide them home.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I play guitar, get a stupid ass thought, stop, & tweet it. I'm having my own personal episode of Hee Haw.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life, define yourself~H FirestoneRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
for being my one true constant companion in life my fuckin *HeadSpace* sure likes to fuck my shit up nothing wrong well fuck gotta get on itRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I wonder if people in biblical times held their slingshots all sideways gangster like?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I don't have a Twitter crush. You know, 'cause I'm not insane.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
The message "99% download complete", cheers you up only for the first 2 hours.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Decent road head was just impossible in that stupid car. - the PopeRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I take a Star to mean any of: Funny Sad Thinking of you I agree I don't agree, but good point I appreciate your mental illness Other stuffRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Out here in the woods, we only eat what we catch ourselves. Marco....Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If we all had someone in our lives to keep telling us, "there's nothing wrong with you," this would probably be a better world.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Skrillex's real name is Skrillexander.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
The best is when someone repeats back to me what I just said and my response is what the hell are you talking about?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
GOOD-LOOKING COWORKER. So you've never gotten along with your turtle? ME. It all started when he got a subscription to a bachelor magazine.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I just ate 9 devilled eggs at work. Come pull my finger.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
find what's good in the mythology find what's wise find what's honorable find what's loveRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Everyone's talking about exams next week and the future and I'm just counting on my looks after college.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I'm not going to tell anyone how to do twitter, discover and learn as in real life but don't give up.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If my coffee cup leaks on me one more fuckin time I'm kick stompin it straight to shit...Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If I watch what you do, it's voyeurism. If I watch while eating popcorn, it's entertainment.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If we used our words more often for good things, what a wonderful place this could be.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Why not Atlas *Hugged*? C'mon, Rand!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
My problems felt insecure & they asked reinforcements.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
i would give you a hermit crab in the palm of your hand still a little wet from crawling on wet rocks if that would make you feel betterRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
When is it ever a good idea for anything?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Could someone please come and save me right now? Please? Anyone. I'll fuck you like you're on death row. Seriously.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Once I stood in front of a red bricked house and left when someone threw a brick-full of weird glances.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
So Tumblr is working for you all and not me? What can I say - most people do like to go down on me for a little longer than most.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
kinda weirded out by cold bean dip but i'm eating it anywayRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
We stayed at a Motel 5, oh yeah a 6, whatever. And we rented a Ford, oh yeah a Chevy, whatever. Would you like to tell the fuckin story?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Get off Twitter, dumbass! Could one of you retweet this into my timeline?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
C'mon, you guys. You gotta admit that hipsters are fucking ADORABLE!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Sitting on a tail doesn't guarantee its going to stop wagging.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Adding a dumb ass comment to your hundred year old tweet is my super power. I'm not any happier about it than you are ..!..Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I’m not sendin'sub tweets.I’m a misunderstood person,like Donald Trump.....The man just tryin'to fix a rockabilly haircut with the wrong wayRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Looking back, I think it was my failure to get his Star Wars reference that put the final nail in that particular coffin. There is no try.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If your values supercede your lust for stars (validation) you are my kind of people.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
When you see someone wronged, help make it right, before it happens to you.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I think that thing which I thought was personal growth has become ingrown. It starts to hurt now when I go to leap tall buildings.
#tbot -
~ There're two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharton ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Nine times out of 10, the beat around the bush is hip-hop. However, the tenth time is mulberry.
#ftwot -
Over the counter medications for severe mental disturbances would take out the embarrassing necessity for a full evaluation by a doctor.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
And, of course, the greatest TV rerun mystery of all: Was Mrs. Kotter's real name Bailey Quarters?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
After studying world history all afternoon, it occurred to me, once condensed, it's all basically just the pilot episode of Jackass.
#ftwot -
I was tweetin' 'bout dragons before it was cool.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Finally ordered the vagina-shaped beret I've been dreaming of getting. Still haven't decided on how I'm going to tilt it yet, though.
#tbot -
Was making good time cruising down the highway to hell. Ran into construction. Traffic got diverted. Now, I'm late for appointment.
#tbot -
Was reading, "You Can Heal Your Life," by Louise Hay. 'Diddle yer skittle' was cure for her migraines. Must be a new medical term.
#tbot -
I probably shouldn’t wipe that one on my clothes. Whether I will or not.. Only the future knows.
#tbot -
Bacon and bikini, basically, both have this tweet in common. For now. Until I figure out what else it is, or that lab calls me back.
#tbot -
A fresh, hot-diggity wiener dog burrito lust-crushed on me, but I saved her to savor for later.. Because our puppy love was illegal.
#tbot -
You’re the only one whose hair I hold back, you know, so.. if that doesn’t show that I think you’re special, I dunno what special is.
#tbot -
I love vegetables. Used to be one. Lately having vocabulary difficulties describing my magic beanstalk. Yes, I know it's a legume.
#tbot -
Thongs date back to Roman times when Caligula's posse called them cameltogas based on song sung by nomad chick named Sand Fran Sisqo.
#tbot -
“The past has no power over the present moment.” ― Eckhart Tolle ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I sweet-talk your umbrella. I say I want candy. I want to taste the rainbowwowow.
#tbot -
I'd relish life more if I wasn't so allergic to the smell of pickled pickles.
#tbot -
Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not. - Ana Monnar ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
My goal is to keep tweeting bullshit until I lose all 3600 Twitter followers.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
~ The best of times is now. ~Oprah Winfrey ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
ThePoint of no return,hasn't warning signs when U passin'it Sometimes it has smilin'faces knocking on your back with compliment,but no signsRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
~ "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." ~ Alice WalkerRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
To the kid driving the red Mercury Cougar with the pink "Will take a mustache ride" bumper sticker: What's your mom's Twitter handle?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Haha me giving relationship advice. But this is gold. Couples considering social media? One go to FB, other to twitter and never cross over.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Licked lips & winked at Father Tom on my way into mass. As I was passing him, he hooked my arm & whispered,"That'll be 5 Hail Mary's Kathy."Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Just opened a package that had yards & yards of bubble wrap .. so it looks like my day is totally filled nowRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
unbearable means you can't do it without a bear so get a bear duhRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Are Zebras really a different animal? Or are they just horses making a fashion statement?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
This account may tweet stupid shit but you really never know who you are actually following. Music is a serious endeavor here.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I could be forced with having to steal an identity to supplement my retirement, or form a gang of old people to rig bingos.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Some people tweet as if they're holding the immunity idol or some shit.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I fell in-love all over again with someone I am already madly in-love with & broke my hip. Kidding, I was trying to to do a keg stand.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
U can't hide your issues with laughter & jokes but it sure is fun making fun of them & making others laugh. Plus, the material is pricelessRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Everyone's happy in the perfect world of hold music, blissfully existing with smiles on their faces & warm accepting hearts.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
In Hell, everyone will be asking " Was it something I tweeted?".Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Listening to Taylor Swift while drooling over beautiful pictures of Kristen Stewart on tumblr. Because fuck mainstream hating.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to. - W.C. FieldsRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
You know that shit you heard that can ruin your whole day? Fuck that shit :)Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
attn radio nowhere requesting frogs overRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I’m in the mood to RT all kinds of stupid shit.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
anyone can learn from their mistakes, i like to be different.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I've already eaten my monthly allotment of nuts.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Im fucking digging in this tweet barrel and its fucking empty! Who's turn was it to refill the fucking tweet barrel??Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
One secret to lasting relationships is a high concentration of movie watching, hours of ignoring each other, and liberal use of the word HuhRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
CNN reports Twitter to be bought by Disney. Just kidding... or am I?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I’ve got 99 problems, and 92 of them are related to customers asking me questions about Dr. WhoRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I do not exist to tweet about ground flying squirrels.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Wearing healing crystals & magnets. Next up, i staple dreamcatchers to my nipples!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
You're all silly. And I like it. And love most of you. So shut it poopy head XxxRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Isn't it refreshing to know that we will all go down in history as the great philosophers of our time?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Why doesn't McDonald's have onion rings? Also, Ross was my least favorite Friend.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
The main reason I like to RT, is to remind you that I have good taste.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
i learned quickly that you say ok when someone asks how you are and not numbRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Take a deep breath.. we're all in this together.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Today's "To Do" list looks remarkably and suspiciously like the one I had for yesterday...Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
As it turns out, I wasn't ready for all that jelly.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
It's a peculiar theology, but I believe one day I'll be reunited with all my lost tweets.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Watching people see how close they can park to go hike a mountain.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I play dumb so the work in my life gets done for me "Here, let me show you how to do it" never gets old. *Side note-I didn't even type thisRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Just put on Game of Thrones for the 1st time. Just changed Game of Thrones.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
So this 2 Chainz guy wears 2 chains. It all makes so much sense now!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
The shadow I just saw of a bird flying over my head indicates either that condors have come to Ontario, or, here there be dragons.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
You gotta love manatees harder, man.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
It wasn't until he saw a boat full of animals that God realized some asshole left the water running.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Can't honestly say I love anyone of you. But I do respect and appreciate everyone of you. Except you trolls. Fuck you guys.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Let's remember. Unless you're wearing the panties or lack thereof I'm the boss. The shirt says so!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~ Eleanor RooseveltRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
“She had a good run. Hell, she was almost 15.” - my dog talking about Phyllis DillerRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
falling in love is for frogs and spidersRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
There is no pee in pizza. Or on it. At least there shouldn't be Phil. What the fuck dude?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
That was a serious moment brought to you by why aren't you in bed by now anyway and stop reading our Tweets.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Mastering twitter is just mind over doesn't matter.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Dear Life: Thanks for the shit! -Courtesy FlushRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I see I've still got my 5 star average *rolls eyes* ..!..Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Being a bully doesn't make you right. Making me cry doesn't make you right. And I might care but I will not be treated badly by anyone.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Asked our 7yo daughter to hit her mute button. She said she didn't have one, only a crazy & stop button. Smh!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
My favourite sex position is WOW... that's when I flip your MOM over ...Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I just read your bio and I don’t like your rules.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Okay, everybody just fucking back off. Unless you're going to try to make us laugh, keep your @-hole shut for the rest of the night.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
gonna go huntin this weekend with my peepsRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
When people see me out and about they always ask "shit the bed?" What does that even mean?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Nothing quite beats that unexpected gufforwph giggle of drink spraying your screenRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I've no patience for mechanical things that break. Next time car won't start, I will cut off top, fill it with dirt and use as a planter.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Unemployed people don't shower, right? I just want to make sure I'm doing this right.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I just realized that this is basically having sex with our phones. Or with words. Whichever is less pathetic.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I have 666 followers. I'm pretty sure that makes me the Satan of Twitter, or something, I don't know. It's too damn early.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Yeah! I'm a little frivolous hurry. Many times I throw my phone in my pocket unlocked, and Tokyo receive calls from my underwear.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
'I don't think there's a place where people understand loneliness more than here.'Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
No skills or talent for anything whatsoever? Welcome to twitter.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Having a profession is the world's oldest form of prostitution.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I can't wait to get this over with and go back to doing the shit I love...coffee,the internet and video games.And touching myself.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Newbies, you don't wait for followers, you go get them.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I respect and admire those who don't let the crap here bother them. No more or less however, than those that do.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
i wouldn't be such a hypochondriac if I didn't have so many different ailments that modern medical scanners can't even detect.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito. - African Proverb ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Here we are just floating around in space without Spock just wondering where our next freaky orgy is going to come from. captain outRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
So you're gonna collect for a couple of months, then look for a job. I'm surprised they laid-off a person with your kind of ambition.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
"Blake! Great to see you! Haven't seen you in years. So what have you been up to?" *kickflips onto shark to safety*Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If there were a college course on the theological implications of flossing, I'd take it.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Sometimes i forget how to spell a word so i re-word the whole tweet just to avoid using that word.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If you stumble.. make it part of your dance ~Unknown
#LoveScopes ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand -
I slept almost all day yesterday, because fuck it.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
The part of the story no-one talks about is that Goldilocks was the reason Mama Bear & Papa Bear slept in separate beds...Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
There was a time when I would've married Gloria Estefan if she'd asked.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Does anyone else make up nasty lyrics to Christmas songs but keep 'em to yourself because that's the mature thing to do?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
When I wear a hat I only have to do the bottom half of my hair but live in fear of having to sing the National Anthem & remove it.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
she mumbled blue & violet cellophane words that jumbled 2gether to form a star that disappeared into the bunnys ear hoppin them into the skyRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." -- Debbie Does Dallas
#RightQuoteWroteMovieRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand -
Uh, actually I said "olive juice."
#LetsMakeItAwkwardRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand -
Multiple accounts, pretending and interacting with their other accounts. You always tell on yourselves. Keep going. Please. Eats popcorn*Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Star ... star ... star ... and ohhhhhh I'd like to give that one 5 stars! *running my fingers down your Timeline*Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
When people stress tweet, they don't harm anyone but others do get a view into the dark minds of people that should be talking to a shrink.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
My favorite episode of Friends is that one where Monica is a condescending bitch and treats Chandler like her non-equal.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
It's easier to climb the mountain of madness than be sliding down the stairway to boredom.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Hittin' tha "follow" button sans usin' the proper safety precautions, not checkin' for diseases and shit. That.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Your tweets are as good as the reciprocity you're owed.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I am the drunkest person in this Starbucks!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I don't need someone to make my life easier. Just better.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Would it kill some of you to be nicer? Let's hope so.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Must spend less time with my dogs. Haven't bitten the mailman yet but I am starting to circle three times before sitting down.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
~ "The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on." – Julia Alvarez ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” ― Stephen Chbosky ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Spent a small fortune on pipes back when i became addicted to plumbers crack.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
So yeah, I made another account where I go tweet about how bad I need sex and come play decent here. Brilliant!Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Who wants to come and do this fucking laundry with me? I blow job.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Lets see 16+8 carry the 1...nope still equals bitchface buttgobbler, move alongRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
oh look there is swiss chard growing in my garden bucket and i will pick it and put it in my quesadilla and i am a glorious cavewomanRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
If we don't tweet, how are we sure we exist?Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Reason #583 why I shouldn't clean: I bent over to get something out from under the couch, and now my tooth hurts.Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Today I got snow tires,nail polish ,pushup bra What does it say about me ?! I'm ready for anythingRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Some Tweeps get xcited bout cats Some ova d moon about dogs Some lassies wear flats Some high on clogs Worst part of pets Picking up logsRetweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
I bring you the gift of these four words: I believe in you~ Blaise Pascal
#LoveScopes ♥Retweeted by SpeedbumpityExpand
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 4:18 PM
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